Every time I visited any super market I see people profusely using plastic carry bags. Educated or uneducated, graduate or a student, doctor or an engineer everybody wants a plastic carry bag. Everybody knows using plastic bag is causing pollution. It’s astonishing to see how an educated person acts as an illiterate and utterly irresponsible person and demands a plastic bag in the name of “comfort and convenience”.
It hardly takes anything to get a bag with oneself when anybody goes to a shop, but everybody gives excuses of it being "convenient". This attitude of ours is costing our environment as smoke kills a smoker.
If it is really a matter of comfort and convenience, then just think of your own parents. Your parents gave up their comforts so that you get a better life. They chose to have sleepless nights so that you get a comfortable sleep. They might have wanted to buy a car, but they chose to save the money for our education. They badly needed good clothes to wear but they chose to get you your favorite clothes and bicycle.
Before they sought for their comfort and convenience, they put your comfort and convenience first! And every loved ones does the same for their loved ones.
Same is with our environment. One forgets the bigger picture when it comes to environment. We taking care of environment is like building comfort for our own kids. It might be a little inconvenient, but we are responsible for creating a better environment for future of our kids.
So next time you ask for a plastic carry bag, watch out! Are you really taking responsibility for your loved ones.. If yes, say no to plastic bags...
Your discomfort will bring comfort for your own loved ones!
Amit Kalyani
Meditate & Smile, Smile & Serve, Serve & Celebrate
Dear all,
Do your bit by carrying jute/cloth bags to market. Try to use as little polythene bags as possible.
Yup, we should avoid throwing plastics any where and thn we can save animals.
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